The Tucker Lab - K+ Channel Research Group




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ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8996-2000

118. Rödström KEJ, Cloake A, Sörmann J, Baronina A, Smith KHM, Pike ACW, Ang J, Proks P, Schewe M, Holland-Kaye I, Bushell SR, Elliott J, Pardon E, Baukrowitz T, Owens RJ, Newstead S, Steyaert J, Carpenter EP, Tucker SJ. (2024) Extracellular modulation of TREK-2 activity with nanobodies provides insight into the mechanisms of K2P channel regulation.
Nature Communications. 15: 4173

117. Seiferth D, Tucker SJ, Biggin PC. (2023) Limitations of non-polarizable force fields in describing anion binding poses in non-polar synthetic hosts.
Phys Chem Chem Phys. 25:17596-17608

116. Ben-Abu Y, Tucker SJ, Contera S. (2023) Transcending Markov: non-Markovian rate processes of thermosensitive TRP ion channels.
Royal Society Open Science 10: 230984.

115. Phan LX, Chamorro VC, Martinez-Seara H, Crain J, Sansom MSP, Tucker SJ. (2023) Influence of electronic polarization on the binding of anions to a chloride-pumping rhodopsin.
Biophysical Journal  122:1548-1556. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2023.03.026.

114. Sörmann J, Schewe M, Proks P, Jouen-Tachoire T, Rao S, Riel EB, Agre KE, Begtrup A, Dean J, Descartes M, Fischer J, Gardham A, Lahner C, Mark PR, Muppidi S, Pichurin PN, Porrmann J, Schallner J, Smith K, Straub V, Vasudevan P, Willaert R, Carpenter EP, Rödström KEJ, Hahn MG, Müller T, Baukrowitz T, Hurles ME, Wright CF, Tucker SJ.  (2022) Gain-of-function mutations in KCNK3 cause a developmental disorder with sleep apnea
Nature Genetics 54:1534-1543

113. Seiferth D, Biggin PC, Tucker SJ. (2022) When is a hydrophobic gate not a hydrophobic gate?
Journal of General Physiology 154: e202213210. doi: 10.1085/jgp.202213210.

112. Löbel M, Salphati SP, El Omari K, Wagner A, Tucker SJ, Parker JL, Newstead S (2022) Structural basis for proton coupled cystine transport by cystinosin.
Nature Communications. 13:4845.

111.Panasawatwong A, Pipatpolkai T, Tucker SJ. (2022) Transition between conformational states of the TREK-1 K2P channel promoted by interaction with PIP2.
Biophysical Journal 121:2380-2388.

110. Phan LX, Lynch CI, Crain J, Sansom MSP, Tucker SJ. (2022) Influence of effective polarization on ion and water interactions within a biomimetic nanopore.
Biophysical Journal 121:2014-2026.

109. Lynch CI, Klesse G, Rao S, Tucker SJ, Sansom MSP (2021) Water Nanoconfined in a Hydrophobic Pore: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Transmembrane Protein 175 and the Influence of Water Models.
ACS Nano. 15:19098-19108.

108.Conrad LJ, Proks P, Tucker SJ (2021) Effects of ionic strength on gating and permeation of TREK-2 K2P channels.
PLOS One. 16:e0258275.  

107. Jouen-Tachoire TRH, Tucker SJ, Tammaro P (2021) Ion channels as convergence points in the pathology of pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Biochemical Society Transactions 49:1855-1865  

106. Poli G, Hasan S, Belia S, Cenciarini M, Tucker SJ, Imbrici P, Shehab S, Pessia M, Brancorsini S, D'Adamo MC (2021) Kcnj16 (Kir5.1) Gene Ablation Causes Subfertility and Increases the Prevalence of Morphologically Abnormal Spermatozoa.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22:5972  

105. Pavinato L, Nematian-Ardestani E, Zonta A, De Rubeis S, Buxbaum J, Mancini C, Bruselles A, Tartaglia M, Pessia M, Tucker SJ, D'Adamo MC, Brusco A (2021) KCNK18 Biallelic Variants Associated with Intellectual Disability and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Alter TRESK Channel Activity.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22:6064  

104. Proks P, Schewe M, Conrad LJ, Rao S, Rathje K, Rödström KEJ, Carpenter EP, Baukrowitz T, Tucker SJ. Norfluoxetine inhibits TREK-2 K2P channels by multiple mechanisms including state-independent effects on the selectivity filter gate (2021)
Journal of General Physiology 153:e202012812.  

103. Sachse G, Haythorne E, Hill T, Proks P, Joynson R, Terrón-Expósito R, Bentley L, Tucker SJ, Cox RD, Ashcroft FM (2021) The KCNJ11-E23K Gene Variant Hastens Diabetes Progression by Impairing Glucose-Induced Insulin Secretion.
Diabetes 70:1145-1156.  

102. Rao S, Klesse G, Lynch CI, Tucker SJ, Sansom MSP (2021) Molecular Simulations of Hydrophobic Gating of Pentameric Ligand Gated Ion Channels: Insights into Water and Ions.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 125:981-994. 

101. Klesse G, Tucker SJ, Sansom MSP (2020) Electric Field Induced Wetting of a Hydrophobic Gate in a Model Nanopore Based on the 5-HT3 Receptor Channel
ACS Nano 14:10480-10491   

100. Rödström KE, Kiper AK, Zhang W, Rinné S, Pike ACW, Goldstein M, Conrad L, Delbeck M, Hahn M, Meier H, Platzk M, Quigley A, Speedman D, Shrestha L, Mukhopadhyay SM, Burgess-Brown NA, Tucker SJ, Mueller T, Decher N, Carpenter EP (2020) A Unique Lower X-gate in TASK Channels Traps Inhibitors within the Vestibule.
Nature 582:443-447  

99. Imbrici P, Nematian-Ardestani E, Hasan S, Pessia M, Tucker SJ, D'Adamo MC (2020) Altered functional properties of a missense variant in the TRESK K+ channel (KCNK18) associated with migraine and intellectual disability.
Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology  472:923-930.  

98. Klesse G, Rao S, Tucker SJ, Sansom MSP (2020) Induced Polarization in Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the 5-HT3 Receptor Channel.
Journal of the American Chemical Society  142:9415-9427.  

97. Syrjanen JL, Michalski K, Chou T-H, Grant T, Rao S, Simorowski N, Tucker SJ, Grigorieff N, Furukawa H (2020) Structure and Assembly of Calcium Homeostasis Modulator Proteins
Nature Structural and Molecular Biology  27:150-159

96. Nematian-Ardestani E,  Abd-Wahab F, Chatelain FC, Sun H, Schewe M, Baukrowitz T and Tucker SJ (2020) Selectivity Filter Instability Dominates the Low Intrinsic Activity of the TWIK-1 K2P K+ Channel
Journal of Biological Chemistry 295: 610-618 [PDF]

95. Rao S, Klesse G, Stansfeld PJ, Tucker SJ, Sansom MSP (2019) A Heuristic Derived from Analysis of the Ion Channel Structural Proteome Permits the Rapid Identification of Hydrophobic Gates
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116:13989-13995
94. Klesse G, Rao S, Sansom MSP, Tucker SJ (2019) CHAP: a versatile tool for the structural and functional annotation of ion channel pores
Journal of Molecular Biology

93.Schewe M, Sun H, Mert Ü, Mackenzie A, Pike ACW, Schulz F, Constantin C, Vowinkel KS, Conrad LJ, Kiper AK, Gonzalez W, Musinszki M, Tegtmeier M, Pryde DC, Belabed H, Nazare M, de Groot BL, Decher N, Fakler B, Carpenter EP, Tucker SJ, Baukrowitz T. (2019)
Science 363:875-880 [PDF]

92. Miller PS, Masiulis S, Malinauskas T, Kotecha A, Rao S, Chavali S, De Colibus L, Pardon E, Hannan S, Sun Z, Frenz B, Klesse G, Li S, Diprose JM, Siebert CA, Esnouf RM, DiMaio F, Tucker SJ, Smart TG, Steyaert J, Madan Babu M, Sansom MSP, Huiskonen JT, Aricescu AR (2018) Heteromeric GABAA receptor structures in positively-modulated active states

91. Rao S, Lynch C, Klesse G, Oakley G, Stansfeld PJ, Tucker SJ and Sansom MSP (2018) Water and hydrophobic gates in ion channels and nanopores
Faraday Discussions.   [PDF]

90. Blesneac I, Themistocleous AC, Fratter C, Conrad LJ, Ramirez JD, Cox JJ, Tesfaye S, Shillo PR, Rice ASC, Tucker SJ, Bennett DLH. (2018)  Rare Nav1.7 variants associated with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
Pain  159:469-480  [PDF][VIDEO ABSTRACT]

89. Clausen MV, Jarerattanachat V, Carpenter EP, Sansom MSP, and Tucker SJ.  (2017)  Asymmetric Mechanosensitivity in a Eukaryotic Ion Channel.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114:E8343-E8351 [PDF]

87. Lacin E, Aryal P, Glaaser IW, Bodhinathan K, Tsai E, Marsh N, Tucker SJ, Sansom MSP, Slesinger PA. (2017) Dynamic role of the tether helix in PIP2-dependent gating of a G protein-gated potassium channel.
Journal of General Physiology 149: 799-811 [PDF]

86. Rao S, Klesse, G, Stansfeld PJ, Tucker SJ and Sansom MSP (2017)  A BEST Example of Channel Structure annotation by Molecular Simulation.
Channels 11:347-353  [PDF]

85. Aryal P,  Jarerattanachat V, Clausen MV, Schewe M, McClenaghan C, Argent L, Conrad LJ, Dong YY, Pike ACW, Carpenter EP, Baukrowitz T, Sansom MSP and Tucker SJ (2017) Bilayer-Mediated Structural Transitions Control Mechanosensitivity of the TREK-2 K2P channel
Structure. 25:708-718. [PDF]

84. Trick JL, Chelvaniththilan, S, Klesse G, Aryal P, Wallace EJ, Tucker SJ, Sansom MSP (2016) Functional Annotation of Ion Channel Structures by Molecular Simulation.
Structure. 24:2207-2216 [PDF]

83. Sadler EE, Kapanidis AN, Tucker SJ. (2016) Solution-Based Single-Molecule FRET Studies of K+ Channel Gating in a Lipid Bilayer.
Biophysical Journal. 10:2663-70. [PDF]

82. McClenaghan C, Schewe M, Aryal P, Carpenter EP, Baukrowitz T, Tucker SJ. (2016) Polymodal activation of the TREK-2 K2P channel produces structurally distinct open states.  
Journal of General Physiology. 147:497-505. [PDF]

81. Reed AP, Bucci G, Abd-Wahab F, Tucker SJ. (2016) Dominant-Negative Effect of a Missense Variant in the TASK-2 (KCNK5) K+ Channel Associated with Balkan Endemic Nephropathy.  
PLoS One. 11:e0156456. [PDF]

80. Schewe M, Nematian-Ardestani E, Sun H, Musinszki M, Cordeiro S, Bucci G, de Groot BL, Tucker SJ, Rapedius M, Baukrowitz T (2016) A Non-canonical Voltage-Sensing Mechanism Controls Gating in K2P K(+) Channels
Cell 164:937-49 [PDF]

79. Zubcevic L,  Wang S, Bavro VN, , Lee S-J, Nichols CG and Tucker SJ (2015)  Modular Design of the Selectivity Filter Pore Loop in a Novel Family of Prokaryotic ‘Inward Rectifier’ (NirBac) channels
Scientific Reports 5: 15305 [PDF]

78. Beale JH, Parker JL, Samsudin F, Barrett AL, Senan A,  Bird LE, Scott D, Owens RJ, Sansom MSP, Tucker SJ, Meredith D, Fowler PW and Newstead S. (2015) Crystal structures of the extracellular domain from PepT1 and PepT2 provide novel insights into mammalian peptide transport.
Structure 23:1-11  [PDF] [Accompanying Preview]

77. Trick JL, Aryal P, Tucker SJ and Sansom MSP (2015) Molecular simulation studies of hydrophobic gating in nanopores and ion channels.
Biochemical Society Transactions 43:146-50 [PDF]

76. Parolin Schnekenberg R, Perkins E, Miller J, Davies WIL, D’Adamo MC, Pessia M, Fawcett K, Sims D, Gillard E, Hudspith K, Williams J, O’Regan M, Jayawant S, Jefferson R, Hughes S, Steinlin M, Lustenberger A, Ragoussis J, Jackson M, Tucker SJ and Németh AH (2015) De novo point mutations in patients diagnosed with ataxic cerebral palsy
Brain  138:1817-32 [PDF]

75. Dong YY, Pike ACW, Mackenzie A, McClenaghan C, Aryal P, Dong L, Quigley A, Grieben M, Goubin S, Mukhopadhyay S, Ruda GF, Clausen MV, Cao L, Brennan PE, Burgess-Brown NA, Sansom MSP, Tucker SJ and Carpenter, EP (2015)  K2P channel gating mechanisms revealed by structures of TREK-2 and a complex with Prozac
Science 347: 256-1259 [PDF]

74. D'Adamo MC, Gallenmüller C, Servettini I, Hartl E, Tucker SJ, Arning L, Biskup S, Grottesi A, Guglielmi L, Imbrici P, Bernasconi P, Di Giovanni G, Franciolini F, Catacuzzeno L, Pessia M, Klopstock T.  (2015) Novel phenotype associated with a mutation in the KCNA1(Kv1.1) gene.
Frontiers in Physiology 5:525. [PDF].

73. Aryal P, Abd-Wahab F, Bucci G, Sansom MSP and Tucker SJ. (2015) Influence of Lipids on the Hydrophobic Barrier within the Pore of the TWIK-1 K2P Channel
Channels 9:44-9  [PDF]

72. Aryal P, Sansom MSP and Tucker SJ. (2015)  Hydrophobic Gating in Ion Channels 
Journal of Molecular Biology  427:121-30 [PDF]

71. Fowler PW, Bollepalli MK, , Rapedius M, Nemetian-Ardestani, E, Shang L, Sansom MSP, Tucker SJ and Baukrowitz T. (2014) Insights into the structural nature of the transition state in the Kir channel gating pathway
Channels 8:551-5  [PDF]

70. Aryal P, Abd-Wahab F, Bucci G, Sansom MSP and Tucker SJ. (2014) A hydrophobic barrier deep within the inner pore of the TWIK-1 K2P potassium channel 
Nature Communications 5:4377   [PDF] [MOVIE]

69. Bollepalli MK, Fowler PW, Rapedius M, Shang L, Sansom MSP, Tucker SJ and Baukrowitz T. (2014) State-Dependent Network Connectivity Determines Gating in a K+ Channel
Structure 22: 1037–1046  [PDF] [Supplemental Files]

68. Veale EL, Al-Moubarak E, Bajaria N, Omoto K, Cao L, Tucker SJ, Stevens EB, Mathie A. (2014) Influence of the N-terminus on the Biophysical Properties and Pharmacology of TREK1 Potassium Channels.
Molecular Pharmacology 85:671-81  [PDF]

67. Zubcevic L, Bavro VN, Muniz JRC,  Schmidt MR, Wang S, De Zorzi R, Vénien-Bryan C, Sansom MSP, Nichols CG and Tucker SJ (2014) Control of KirBac3.1 potassium channel gating at the interface between cytoplasmic domains
Journal of Biological Chemistry  
289:143-51 [PDF]

66. Schmidt MR, Stansfeld PJ, Tucker SJ, and Sansom MSP. (2013)  Simulation-Based Prediction of Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-Bisphosphate Binding to an Ion Channel .
Biochemistry 52:279-81 [PDF]

65. Rapedius M, Schmidt MR, Sharma C, Stansfeld PJ, Sansom MSP,  Baukrowitz T and Tucker SJ. (2012)  State-independent intracellular access of quaternary ammonium blockers to the pore of TREK-1.
Channels 6:473-8 [PDF]

64. Andres-Enguix I, Shang L, Stansfeld PJ, Morahan JM, Sansom MSP, Lafrenière RG, Roy B, Griffiths LR, Rouleau GA, Ebers GC, Cader MZ and Tucker SJ (2012) Functional analysis of missense variants in the TRESK (KCNK18) K+ channel.
Scientific Reports 2:237 [PDF]

63. Bavro VN, De Zorzi R, Schmidt MR, Muniz JRC, Zubcevic L, Sansom MSP, Vénien-Bryan C and Tucker SJ (2012) Structure of a KirBac potassium channel with an open bundle-crossing indicates a mechanism of channel gating
Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 19:158-63 [PDF] [MOVIE 1] [MOVIE 2] [Featured Article] 

62. Paulais M, Bloch-Faure M, Picard N, Jacques T, Ramakrishnan SK, Keck M, Sohet F, Eladari D, Houillier P, Lourdel S, Teulon J and Tucker SJ (2011) Renal phenotype in mice lacking the Kir5.1 (Kcnj16) K+ channel subunit contrasts with that observed in SeSAME/EAST syndrome
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 108:10361-6

61. Leptihn S, Thompson JR, Ellory JC, Tucker SJ and Wallace MI (2011) In Vitro Reconstitution of Eukaryotic Ion Channels Using Droplet Interface Bilayers.
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 133:9370-5  [PDF] 

60. Piechotta PL, Rapedius M, Stansfeld PJ, Bollepalli MK, Ehrlich G, Andres-Enguix I, Fritzenschaft H, Decher N, Sansom MSP, Tucker SJ and Baukrowitz T. (2011)  The Pore Structure and Gating Mechanism of K2P Channels
EMBO Journal  30: 3607 - 3619  [PDF] [Supplementary PDF]  [MOVIE] [PDB] 

59. Trapp S, Tucker SJ and Gourine AV. (2011) Respiratory responses to hypercapnia and hypoxia in mice with genetic ablation of Kir5.1 (Kcnj16).
Experimental Physiology 96: 451-459  [PDF]

58. D'Adamo MC, Shang L, Imbrici P, Brown SD, Pessia M, Tucker SJ. (2011) Genetic inactivation of Kcnj16 identifies Kir5.1 as an important determinant of neuronal PCO2/pH sensitivity.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286: 192-198 [PDF]

57. Lafrenière RG, Cader MZ, Poulin JF, Andres-Enguix I, Simoneau M, Gupta N, Boisvert K, Lafrenière F, McLaughlan S, Dubé MP, Ramagopalan S, Ansorge O, Sequeiros J, Pereira-Monteiro JM, Griffiths LR, Tucker SJ, Ebers G and Rouleau GA (2010) A dominant-negative mutation in the TRESK potassium channel (KCNK18) causes familial migraine with aura.
Nature Medicine 16:1157-60 [PDF]  [Supplementary PDF]  [Comment]  [BBC NEWS]

56. Wang SC, Politis A, Di Bartolo N, Bavro VN, Tucker SJ, Booth PJ, Barrera NP and Robinson CV. (2010) Ion mobility mass spectrometry of two tetrameric membrane protein complexes reveals compact structures and differences in stability and packing.
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132:15468-70 [PDF]  [Supplementary PDF]

55. Paynter JJ, Andres-Enguix I, Fowler PW, Tottey S, Cheng W, Enkvetchakul D, Bavro VN, Kusakabe Y, Sansom MSP, Robinson NJ, Nichols CG and Tucker SJ. (2010) Functional complementation and genetic deletion studies of KirBac channels: activatory mutations highlight gating-sensitive domains.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 285:40754-61 [PDF]  [Supplementary PDF]  [MOVIE]

54. Paynter JJ, Shang L, Bollepalli MK, Baukrowitz T, Tucker SJ. (2010) Random mutagenesis screening indicates the absence of a separate H+-sensor in the pH-sensitive Kir channels.
Channels 4
:390-7 [PDF]

53. Gupta S, Bavro VN, D'Mello R, Tucker SJ, Vénien-Bryan C, Chance MR. (2010) Conformational changes during the gating of a potassium channel revealed by structural mass spectrometry.

[PDF]  [Supplementary PDF]  Selected for Journal Cover  [URL]

52. Shang, L., Ranson, S.V. and  Tucker, S.J. (2009) Long Lived Subconductance Levels in Heteromeric Kir4.1/Kir5.1 Channels from Xenopus tropicalis
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 388:  501–505  [PDF]

51. Imbrici, P., Grottesi, P., D'Adamo, M.C., Tucker, S.J., Mannucci, R., and Pessia, M. (2009) Contribution of the central hydrophobic residue in the PXP motif of voltage-dependent K+ channels to S6 flexibility and gating properties
3:  39-45  [PDF]

50. Imbrici, P., Gualandi, F., D’Adamo, M.C., Taddei Masieri, M., Cudia, P., De Grandis, D., Mannucci, R.,  Nicoletti, I., Tucker, S.J.  Ferlini, A. and Pessia, M. (2008) A Novel KCNA1 Mutation Identified in an Italian Family Affected by Episodic Ataxia Type 1
Neuroscience   157: 577-87 [PDF] Selected for Journal Cover [COVER]

49. Paynter, J.J., Sarkies, P., Andres-Enguix, I., and Tucker, S.J. (2008)  Genetic Selection of Activatory Mutations in KcsA
Channels   2: 413-418 
[PDF]  Selected for Journal Cover [COVER]

48. Nagaoka, Y., Shang, L., Banerjee, A., Bayley, H., and Tucker, S.J. (2008)  Peptide Backbone Mutagenesis of Putative Gating Hinges in a Potassium Ion Channel
ChemBiochem   9: 1725 – 1728  [PDF]

47. Tucker, S.J. and  Baukrowitz, T (2008)  How highly charged anionic lipids bind and regulate ion channels
Journal of General Physiology  131: 431-8 [PDF]

46. Shang, L. and Tucker, S.J. (2008) Non-Equivalent Role of TM2 Gating Hinges in Heteromeric Kir4.1/Kir5.1 Potassium Channels.
European Biophysics Journal  37: 165-171 [PDF]

45.  Rapedius, M., Paynter, J.J., Fowler, P.W, Shang, L., Sansom, MSP., Tucker, SJ and  Baukrowitz, T (2007)  Control of pH and PIP2 gating in heteromeric Kir4.1/Kir5.1 channels by H-bonding at the helix-bundle crossing
Channels 1: 327 - 330  [PDF]

44.  Rapedius, M., Fowler, P.W, Shang, L., Sansom, MSP., Tucker, SJ and Baukrowitz, T (2007)  H-Bonding at the Helix-Bundle Crossing Controls Gating in Kir Potassium Channels
Neuron 55: 602-614  [PDF]  [MOVIE]   See also accompanying 'Preview'  [PDF] 

43.  Haider, S., Khalid, S., Tucker, S.J., Ashcroft, F.M. and Sansom, M.S.P. (2007) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Inwardly Rectifying (Kir) Potassium Channels: A Comparative Study
Biochemistry  46: 3643-3652  [PDF]

42.  Sun, S., Gan, J.H, Paynter, J.J. and Tucker, S.J.  (2006) Cloning and functional characterisation of a superfamily of microbial inwardly-rectifying (KirBac) potassium channels
Physiological Genomics  26:1-7 [PDF]

41.  Rapedius, M., Haider, S., Browne, K.F., Shang, L., Sansom, M.S.P., Baukrowitz, T. and Tucker, S.J.  (2006) Structural and functional analysis of the putative pH-sensor in the Kir1.1 (ROMK) potassium channel
EMBO Reports  6: 611-616   [PDF]

40.  Rapedius, M., Soom, M., Shumilina, E., Schulze, D., Schönherr, R., Kirsch, C., Lang, F., Tucker, S.J., and Baukrowitz, T. (2005) Long chain CoA esters as competitive antagonists of PIP2 activation in Kir channels
Journal of Biological Chemistry.  280: 30760 – 30767   [PDF]

39.  Shang, L., Lucchese, CJ, Haider, S. and Tucker, SJ. (2005)
  Functional characterisation of missense variations in the Kir4.1 potassium channel (KCNJ10) associated with seizure susceptibility
Molecular Brain Research.  139: 178 – 183  [PDF]

38.  Casamassima, M, D’Adamo, M.C., Pessia, M and Tucker S.J. (2003)  Identification of a heteromeric interaction which influences the rectification, gating and pH-sensitivity of Kir4.1/Kir5.1 potassium channels.
Journal of Biological Chemistry.  278: 43533 – 43540   [PDF]

37.  Konstas, A., Korbmacher, C. and Tucker, S.J. (2002) Identification of domains that control the heteromeric assembly of Kir5.1/Kir4.0 potassium channels

American Journal of Physiology.  284: C910-C917    [PDF]

36.  Konstas, A., Koch, J.P., Tucker, S.J. and Korbmacher, C. (2002) CFTR-dependent upregulation of Kir1.1 (ROMK) renal K+ channels by the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC).
Journal of Biological Chemistry  277: 25377-25384   [PDF]

35.  Konstas, A., Dabrowski, M., Korbmacher, C. and Tucker, S.J. (2002) Intrinsic sensitivity of Kir1.1 (ROMK) to glibenclamide in the absence of SUR2B:  Implications for the identity of the renal ATP-regulated secretory K+ channel
Journal of Biological Chemistry.  277: 21346-21351  [PDF]

34.  Jones, P.A., Tucker, S.J. and Ashcroft, F.M. (2001)  Multiple sites of interaction between the intracellular domains of an inwardly-rectifying potassium channel, Kir6.2.
FEBS Letters . 508:   85-89.  [PDF]

33.  Pessia, M., Imbrici, P., D’Adamo, M.C., Salvatore, L., and Tucker, S.J. (2001)   Differential pH-sensitivity of Kir4.1 and Kir4.2 potassium channels and their modulation by heteropolymerisation with Kir5.1.
Journal of Physiology. 532: 359-367.  [PDF] Selected for Journal Cover [COVER]

32.  Gribble, F.M., Loussouarn, G., Tucker, S.J., Zhao, C., Nichols, C.G., and Ashcroft., F.M. (2000)    A novel method for measurement of sub-membrane ATP-concentration.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 275: 30046-30049.  [PDF]

31. Imbrici, P., Tucker, S.J., D’Adamo, M.C., and Pessia, M. (2000)  Role of RPTP a- and tyrosine phosphorylation in the serotonergic inhibition of voltage-dependent potassium channels.
European Journal of Physiology. 441: 257-262  [PDF]

30. Tucker, S.J., Imbrici, P., Salvatore, L. and Pessia, M. (2000)  pH-dependence of the inwardly rectifying potassium channel, Kir5.1 and localisation in renal tubular epithelia.

Journal of Biological Chemistry.  275:   16404-16407  [PDF]

29. Tanabe, K., Tucker, S.J.,  Ashcroft, F.M., Proks, P., Kioka, N., Amachi, T., and Ueda, K. (2000) Direct Photoaffinity Labeling of Kir6.2 by [ g-32P]ATP-[ g]4-Azidoanilide.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications272: 316-319  [PDF]

28. Tucker, S.J. and Ashcroft, F.M. (1999)  Mapping of the physical interaction between the intracellular domains of an inwardly-rectifying potassium channel, Kir6.2.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 274: 33393-33397.  [PDF]

27. Matsuo, M, Tucker, SJ, Ashcroft, FM, Amachi, T., and Ueda, K. (1999)  NEM modification prevents high-affinity ATP-binding to the first nucleotide binding fold of SUR1.
FEBS Letters. 458: 292-294.  [PDF]

26.  Reimann, F., Ryder, T.J., Tucker, S.J., and Ashcroft, F.M. (1999)  An investigation into the role of lysine 185 in the inhibition of Kir6.2 by ATP.
Journal of Physiology. 520: 661-691.  [PDF]

25.  Reimann, F., Tucker, S.J., Proks, P., and Ashcroft, F.M. (1999)  Involvement of the N-terminus of Kir6.2 in coupling to the sulphonylurea receptor
Journal of Physiology.  518: 325-336.  [PDF]

24. Baukrowitz, T., Tucker, S.J., Schulte, U., Benndorf, K., Ruppersberg, J.P., and Fakler, B.   (1999) Inward- rectification in KATP channels: a pH switch in the pore.
EMBO Journal. 18: 847-893.  [PDF]

23. Tanabe, K., Tucker, S.J., Matsuo, M., Proks, P., Ashcroft, F.M., Seino, S., Amachi, T., and Ueda, K (1999)  Photoaffinity labeling of the Kir6.2 subunit of the ATP-sensitive K+ channel by 8-azido-ATP.
Journal of Biological Chemistry.  274 : 3931-3933.  [PDF]

22. Proks, P., Gribble, FM, Adhikari, R., Tucker, S.J., and Ashcroft, F.M. (1999)   Involvement of the N-terminus in the inhibition of the KATP channel by ATP.
Journal of Physiology. 514: 19-25.  [PDF]

21. Baukrowitz, T., Schulte U., Oliver, D., Herlitze, S., Krauter, T., Tucker, S.J., Ruppersberg, J.P. and Fakler, B. (1998)   PIP2  and PIP as determinants for ATP inhibition of KATP channels.
Science.  282: 1141-1141.  [PDF]

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